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物理 B.S.

培养逻辑能力, quantitative reasoning and computation and be prepared for graduate study or a variety of careers, 尤其是在科学领域, engineering or other technical fields.
You’ll use instruments like this spinning disk confocal microscope to explore phenomena such as how microtubules react to changes in their environment.


  • Strengthen your quantitative reasoning skills and solve problems through experimentation, 仿真和分析工具.
  • Work within one of our active and exciting research groups featuring state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with advanced instrumentation.
  • Enjoy small-group instruction with distinguished faculty.
  • Get involved with the Society of 物理 Students, a student-run organization that provides a community for our students to engage with their peers both academically and socially.
  • Become a peer coach to gain education skills while helping us teach General 物理 I & II.










Exterior of Hall of languages building


The 文理学院 (A&S) is 澳门线上赌场’s first and largest college. 作为文科的发源地, our internationally recognized 程序s provide the cornerstone of a 澳门线上赌场 education with 50+ majors in the natural sciences and mathematics, the humanities and the social sciences (in partnership with the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs).


The curriculum is structured to provide a deep understanding of the makeup of the world around us, including the universe at its largest (astronomical) scales and at its smallest scales (atoms and subnuclear particles), 通过课程, computation and hands-on laboratory experiences.

  • Explain phenomena occurring from subatomic to cosmological distance scales, using qualitative physical principles.
  • 应用 mathematics and logic to solve problems associated with natural phenomena.
  • Assess and explain arguments for physical laws based on experimental and theoretical evidence.
  • Employ basic laboratory and technical skills to solve physics problems as a result of formal laboratory coursework and research opportunities with faculty.

The physics department offers coursework leading to either a B.A. 还是B.S. 学位. B.S. prepares you for graduate study in 阀杆 and science and engineering careers requiring a deeper set of quantitative and problem-solving tools.

B.A. 学位 程序 requires fewer credit hours in the major than the B.S. 程序. It provides a flexible and broad education in many topics in physics that prepare students for a diverse array of 阀杆 or 阀杆-adjacent career options.

  • Stellar and Interstellar Astrophysics
  • 振动,波 & 光学
  • 量子力学概论
  • 生物和医学物理学
  • Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics



物理 Help Center and Study Lounge

The 物理 Clinic is a help center and study lounge located in the 物理Building. It is staffed by teaching assistants and available throughout the academic year. Undergraduate students are encouraged to use the clinic for consultations on topics covered in physics and astronomy courses or as a community space to work on assignments together.


澳门线上赌场 Society of 物理 Students

Members of the 澳门线上赌场 Society of 物理 Students chapter organize academic and social events, including group study sessions and review sessions for first-year physics courses. They also make several visits to local high schools to talk about the value and versatility of an undergraduate 学位 in physics. The organization is open to all students with an interest in physics, regardless of their major.



Many physics majors work in cutting-edge research labs, performing new experiments and applying theory in the areas of biophysics, 引力波, 实验粒子物理学, 机械超材料, quantum information science and 更多的.



Many physics majors help faculty teach courses as peer instructors, 叫教练, 让学生有机会接触教师, the opportunity to learn physics deeper through teaching it and the ability to build their resumes through real-world experiences.


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